About me
The experiences my life and work in Greece, Spain, and Austria taught me, are very valuable, and I keep on learning every day. But there is one thing that I can say with certainty today: we all have the potential and the capability to make our lives and our selves happier.
We just need to realize that problems are a part of life and we can stop fearing them. Instead, we can see them as lessons of life that are only there to make us stronger and help us develop our soul and our personality.
Life is like a movie that goes on and never ends. People are participating in it; and there are times when they are asked to deal with roles and challenges that make them feel unfulfilled, troubled or overwhelmed.
My goal is to give you clarity about your thoughts and together with you find new interpretations and meanings that can be useful in your life. And sometimes we have to remind ourselves that we are all people with the same needs.
We want to be loved, we want to have security and we want to feel happy…

Georgios Anagnostoudis
Personal Data:
Born in Thessaloniki, Greece
Academic Education:
2015: | Masters degree in Psychotherapy, Sigmund Freud University, Vienna Master thesis: Re-activating the resources of the Greek population against the crisis – A systemic approach. Member of ÖAS (Austrian working group for systemic therapy and systemic studies) |
Since June 2015: | Psychotherapist for Systemic Family Therapy registered with the Federal Ministry of Health, Austria |
2012 : | Bachelor Degree in Psychotherapy Science at Sigmund Freud University, Vienna Title: “Death and grief from the cultural and psychotherapeutic point of view- A general manual for psychotherapists under the experience of this demaning and challenging work frame.” |
2007 : | Master of Communication and Education. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain. |
2004 : | Bachelor in Modern Languages, University of Lincoln. Specialization: Contemporary studies in French and English, Linguistics, Translation and Interpretation. |
Professional experience in psychotherapy and in the social field:
Since July 2019 : | Psychotherapist in the family counseling center Hilfswerk – Austria
June 2016 – June 2019 | Psychotherapist in the Optimamedclinic for psychiatric rehabilitation in Wildbad Einöd – Austria.
since June 2015: | Psychotherapist in my private praxis. Vienna |
2013-2015 : | Psychotherapist under supervision for the project TIRAM |
2012-2015 : | Psychotherapist under Supervision in my private praxis. Vienna |
2012 : | Internship at the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, AKH Wien |
2012-2015 : | Psychotherapist under supervision at the German and the International Clinic at Sigmund Freud University. |
2011 : | Volunteer as Sociocultural Monitor at the Residence Schönbrunn. Caritas, Vienna. |
2006 : | Sociocultural Monitor at the Residence Boqueres (responsible for the sociocultural needs and the cognitive encouragement of the patients) Altea, Spain. |
2005 : | Voluntary service at the Residence Boqueres, Altea Spain. |
Further Training and education in psychotherapy and in the social field:
Scheduled for 2023 : | Social clinical psychology and therapy of addictions(duration 7 months) |
Scheduled for 2022:
2022 |
2021 | Guilt and Setting Boundaries Youth Suicide Prevention |
2017-2021 | Further education in psychotherapy for babies, children and teenagers. |
2019 : |
2013 : |
2005 : | Certificate Sociocultural Monitor- SERVEF- Generalidad Valenciana, Spain. |
Since August 2021 | Creation of the Instagram page “trust_and_move”: Thoughts for reflection and solutions in different personal, psychotherapeutic and social issues. |
Since November 2019 | starting a series of psychoeducationalseminars with the title: “Being informed means I learn to behave with confidence and security”. First seminar 11/2019: Stabilization and Strengthening Exercises after Intensely Stressful Events. Thassos-Greece. |
Follow-up seminars |
2015: | Lecturer in the International Conference: Impacts of the Economic crisis in Greece on the Psycho-Social Field- Being Prepared for the Future. Cooperation with the NGO Epapsy. ( Scientific leader: Univ.-Prof. Stelios Stylianidis). Sigmund Freud University. |
2014: | 7. International ÖAS-Kongress : gehen-Inspirationen für die Psychotherapie. Wien.
Cooperation and Participation in the Discussion : Familien – Bilder with Dr. phil. Corina Ahlers. |